Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Time Flies

When you get behind on your email, time zooms by. I've been at it for two hours. There were a few personal emails and mostly job notices, each of which I scanned to more closely examine those that showed promise.

The question is, how did I get so far behind? In retirement, there are no weekends. More accurately, every day is a weekend day. If one actually knows what day it is. I usually know what day Monday and Thursday are; Monday is Merlin's rally obedience training and Thursday is nose work training.

Nose work training got us an accomplishment a couple of days ago (was it Saturday?). Merlin and I competed for and acquired our first title in the sport! Explaining how nose work competition works is too long and complicated to go into here, but my Diablo Valley German Shepherd Dog Club page on the subject, along with the embedded links, explains it all. And a picture shows all. That's my boy!

The next day (it must have been Sunday) include spending an hour or so corresponding with a friend, as I do via email on a weekly basis. For whatever reasons (other than to give myself a break from perusing job listings), I spent much of the rest of the day catching up on The New Yorker editions that were piling up.

Yesterday, it was a trip to Marin to have lunch with a friend and colleague in the place once known as work. 

Sometimes I just sits but mostly I sits and thinks. I reconnected with the contact in a transportation planning agency who set up a meet-and-greet with the head of communications there. Learning that the agency board had just approved a training budget, I reintroduced me to said head of communications, offering up again an outline for a training plan. I certainly have the experience to speak knowledgeably about handling difficult (if not downright scary) public meetings, worse than the ones that caught her agency's staff quite unprepared.

Another buddy did the introductions to create a get-to-know-you meet-up with people in the firm for which she works. I'm very appreciative. And, since my mama did not raise a fool, I've spent a few hours looking at the company website to learn what I could about them and explore more about their business niche. Interesting and tentatively exciting.

We're leaving soon to take Annie for her final eye exam. It looks great to me so we're hoping for the all clear from the veterinary ophthalmologist.

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