Thursday, July 3, 2014

Forecast - Rosy

After reading yesterday's post, which I thought was very clever and quite amusing, Maureen beamed into my location and expressed her deep concern for my emotional well-being. I told her, "It is my blog and I can write whatever I want. Sometimes job hunting just sucks." Then I showered. Before noon, which is one of my new goals for each day. Knowing what day it is helps, too.

Today is Thursday. I know that because, since before dawn but after the birds started singing, I've heard the back-up alarms, squeaking brakes, and loud clangs associated with garbage and recycling pickup. Or, "Garbage and streetlights," as Maureen calls it, channeling her inner Senior Mayor Daley. I thought, sitting at my laptop and noting the date, that today had some other significance. A Jacquie Lawson e-card from a friend reminded me that one year ago today, Maureen and I got married.

That certainly gave today a rosier cast. Then I found a job that I could apply for and would like to have. Rosier still, so off to my camera shots for some inspiring creative work.

How much rosier can it bee?

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