Sunday, August 3, 2014

Cold Foggy Sunday

We're not going to let that stop us, though! Us being me. 

I'm not great at reading directions before I dive into something. Or testing the water, for that matter. On an EPA-paid trip to Hawaii to facilitate and lecture that state's environmental protection agency employees on risk communication, I found myself at the beach with other instructors. My favorite co-instructor, now owner of San Francisco's Pet Camp, and I decide to try out snorkeling. I donned the mask and snorkel, then dove in to the chest high water. Arising coughing up water, I turned to see Virginia, carefully submerging only her face to take measure of the activity and plan her approach to it. Another instructor, observing from the beach, opined that this one simple act spoke tomes about our respective personalities. She didn't say, "... spoke tomes...." She's an engineer, you see, so whatever she actually said was totally literal.

I've been getting email alerts from the freelancing website Elance. I submitted a couple of proposals, having no idea what I was doing. Yesterday, I took the time to go through the tutorial. Interesting and informative, and left me feeling like a very small fish in a very large pond. Enough of that! Followed by meditation/nap outside.

Despite the dankness of the morning, I performed the ritual of going through job listings that had come through email. I found a couple that I've tabbed to get back to later today or, more likely, tomorrow. Painting the bathroom looms large on today's agenda.

Niece Nat informed me that she applied for a couple of jobs in Oregon this week. I'm glad for her. As you can tell, her Tempe, Ariz., experience is less than satisfying. She also made a "zonie" friend with whom she was hanging out watching an awful documentary about eels. "Zonie" as in Arizona inhabitant, although Nat noted, "But he's not a native, praise be." 

Loved that kid since the very beginning.

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